4th Annual YRCC Picnic with Great Weather
The fourth annual YRCC Picnic at Pinecrest Farms brought together cycling clubs from all over York Region this weekend. Taking time to ride in the morning through the beautiful countryside of York Region and then stopping for lunch, more than 300 cyclists from York Region attended the event and showed why so many people choose York Region as a cycling destination of choice. Also in attendance were MP Francesco Sorbara, Councillor Marilyn Iafrate and staff members from York Region and the City of Vaughan. The event was completely FREE with the generous participation of Hero Burgers, Pizza Nova Pizza, Avenue Cibi e Vini, Eddystone Meats, Lunardo Plumbing, Forest Group, Toronto Digital Imaging, Fazzari and Partners, Arciero Enterprises, Donald Construction, Carr Law and Chantik Capital.
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