June 19, 2014
June 18, 2014
June 11, 2014
April 15, 2014
An avid cyclist, Vaughan Ward 2 Councillor Tony Carella met with the YRCC on June 19th. Tony rides the roads of York Region on a regular basis. Understanding the need for simple cycling infrastructure, like Share the Road signs and […]
The YRCC had the opportunity to sit down with Newmarket Regional Councillor John Taylor on June 18th. An avid bike commuter and co-founder of “Ride Your Bike to Work Day”, John is supportive of making the roads safer for cyclists in […]
Attended by various members of the cycling community, the YRCC is invited to make a presentation at the Vaughan Cycling Forum. The YRCC describes the dangers faced on the roads and the simple initiatives that could be implemented to help […]
Recognizing a need to promote safety amongst cyclists and motorists and increase cycling infrastructure in York Region, a few local cycling clubs join together to start the York Region Cycling Coalition.
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