Spring Reminder: York Region is in the Red “Control” Zone
With spring weather upon us, it should be noted that the Provincial Government moved York Region into the Red “Control” Zone at the end of February, removing the Region from lock down. Under the Region’s new restrictions, cyclists must not ride in groups larger than 25 and must always maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres. Notwithstanding, all cyclists should review Public Health’s restrictions on a regular basis, as the restrictions can be changed at any time (https://www.york.ca/wps/portal/yorkhome/health/yr/covid-19/).
Given that York Region borders other health units that continue to be in lock down or other levels of restriction, it is also recommended that cyclists review the restrictions applicable to the bordering regions in the event they intend to cross into those regions. For example, as of the writing of this article, anyone riding from York Region into Peel Region must not ride in groups larger than 10.
The YRCC does not make any recommendations or suggestions on whether to ride in groups or how to ride in groups during the pandemic. You can find appropriate recommendations and suggestions in this regard through the Ontario Cycling Assocation’s “Return to Cycling” updates and recommendations: https://ontariocycling.org/.
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